The environmental code and the installation of an advertising screen

Regulated by laws, outdoor advertising is subject to the environmental code. In order to protect the environment and the living space, the environmental code ensures that advertising panels respect a certain number of standards before granting them an installation permit.

What do I need to know about the environmental code?

The term "environmental code" refers to all the rules and principles relating to the protection of the environment. In France, for example, this code includes 7 books subdivided into titles, chapters, sections, etc.

Through this code, fundamental principles are published for a better use of natural environments. In Book V of the code, the issue of the protection of the living environment of individuals is addressed. In this title, our attention is focused on Chapter 1 of Title VIII. In this part, it is question of the provisions relating to the advertising installations.

What are the general provisions for advertising facilities?

Intended to promote a service or a product to customers, the installation of advertising is subject to certain rules. Indeed, with the intention of avoiding anarchic urbanization and ensuring road safety, the State and the Ministry of Urban Planning have issued standards.

In general, the installation of an advertising sign is subject to a prior declaration addressed to the mayor or the prefect by the operator of the sign. Failure to comply with this procedure may expose the operator to administrative or penal sanctions.

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Before any explanation on the procedure to follow for the installation of an advertising support, it is good to establish the difference between a sign and a pre-sign. Contrary to the sign which refers to any inscription (form, image) affixed on a place to indicate the activity which is carried out there, the pre-sign refers to an inscription indicating the proximity of a place where an activity is carried out.

In addition to the sign or pre-sign, it is important to note the existence of outdoor advertising screens.

What is important to remember is that, depending on the characteristics of the advertising medium, installation provisions are set out in the environmental code. These provisions also take into account the number of inhabitants in the installation area.

Very often, we are in front of two types of advertising supports. On the one hand, there are the luminous advertising supports and on the other hand, the non luminous supports. The environmental code provides for specific provisions for each of these types of support.

What are the standards for installing an advertising screen?

An advertising installation can be presented in different forms. One of the things required by the environmental code to the operators of these signs, is that they are in good condition and are subject to a minimum of maintenance. They must also ensure that they are not an obstacle to traffic and road safety.

For example, for the fixed exterior screen (discover models here), it is recommended to install it parallel to the wall that supports it, taking into account the height of the building on which it is to be installed. Governed by the same norms as signs, the affixing of any fixed exterior screen is subject to a prior authorization request and must comply with the norms published by the environment code.

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NB: For more information, please consult Title VIII of Book V of the French Environmental Code.

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