The massage gun, an ally in relieving pain and contractures

Muscle pain and contractures are problems frequently encountered by sportsmen and women and people who engage in intense physical activity. Many tools exist to remedy the situation, but today we're focusing on a particularly innovative item: the massage gun. Find out how this device can help you relieve pain and contractures in an effective and unconventional way.

What is a massage gun?

The massage gun is a muscular relaxation tool that comes directly from the Fitness. It is a device that allows you to deep muscle massage by percussion, offering an effect similar to that of a jackhammer, but adapted to the human body. We also talk about Deep tissue massage (deep tissue massage).

This device is frequently used by CrossFitof strength training and other intense physical activities, which find it beneficial in terms of reducing post-exercise muscle soreness. It can also be used to treat muscle contractures.

Structure and operation of the massage gun

A massage gun consists of two main parts: a base and a tip. The tip is interchangeable, and several options are generally available (4 to 5 different tips on average). Among these tips, some are particularly appreciated for their effectiveness, such as the one for thefoot self-massage.

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As for the base of the massage pistol, it features a system for selecting the intensity of the device. Several intensity levels are available, but in this article, we'll focus on the first level for a gentler, more physiologically-sensitive approach.

How do I use the massage gun effectively?

To get the most out of this tool, it's important to understand the physiological mechanisms that govern pain and contractures. First of all, it's essential to know that pain is created by the brain when it feels threatened. It is therefore important to engage in dialogue with the brain to achieve the desired results.

What's more, the skin plays a crucial role in the perception of pain and the reception of stimuli. Indeed, the exteroceptive receptors receptors are located at skin level, and it is these that send electrical signals to the brain via the nerves and spinal cord. There are no such receptors in the muscles, which means that applying the massage gun directly to the muscle will not produce any sensation.

Unconventional use of the massage gun

The method advocated in this article consists of using the massage gun in an unconventional way, i.e. taking into account skin receptors and favouring the first level of intensity. In fact, it's more effective to stimulate exteroceptive receptors by applying the massage gun to the skin. parallel to the epidermis rather than perpendicularly.

This approach stimulates two different types of receptor: those that respond to skin traction and those that respond to gliding strokes. To maximize effects, we recommend staying at least 2 minutes per zone of massage, which modulates the action on the nervous system.

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Possible applications include massage of the upper trapeziusThese are often the source of contractures and pain. Thanks to their use parallel to the skin, the vibrations are less aggressive and do not cause unpleasant sensations on the skull or thorax. It's even possible to reach the area near the spine without excessive pressure.

Application example: self-massage of the foot

Another example of the massage pistol's use concerns thefoot self-massage. Simply change the tip and proceed in the same way as for other parts of the body. Many users appreciate this application for the relief it brings.

Where can I buy a massage gun?

Massage guns are available on the market at various prices. However, it is advisable to buy from a retailer who offers the possibility of returning the product in the event of dissatisfaction. This way, you can test the massage gun and see if it suits your needs and expectations.

In conclusion, the massage gun is an innovative and effective tool for relieving muscular pain and contractures. Its unconventional use, which takes account of physiology and skin receptors, delivers convincing results without harming the body. Don't hesitate to try this device to improve your daily comfort and well-being.

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