Menstrual disorders: causes

Menstrual disorders are signaled by various symptoms. Depending on their degree of severity, women can be heavily affected on a daily basis. From amenorrhea to endometriosis, different phenomena can be the cause of abnormalities.

Amenorrhea: when to consult?

In women of childbearing age, the absence of menstruation is normal if they are pregnant, approaching menopause or breastfeeding. Outside of these cases, amenorrhea can hide underlying health problems such as thyroid dysfunction, stress, bulimia, anorexia, obesity, fibroid, ovarian cyst, etc. The only remedy is medical consultation, especially if the symptoms persist, because the menstrual cycle is not necessarily well regulated. Two types of amenorrhea can be found:

- Primary amenorrhea occurs in patients who are 15-16 years old and are prone to menstrual absence, but are growing normally. Menstruation is a sign of puberty and is normally triggered around the age of 12-13.

- Secondary amenorrhea concerns women who are already menstruating, but who experience a prolonged absence of menstruation, on average 3 months. If the patient is not pregnant, a health check-up is necessary to detect any abnormality of the ovaries, uterus or early menopause.

Endometriosis: a common disorder

The most common symptom of endometriosis is intense pain during menstruation. This dysmenorrhea can be debilitating and sometimes associated with vomiting and a severe headache, forcing the woman to stay in bed for several days. Some people have to resort to strong painkillers and sometimes even morphine drugs to try to relieve the pain. Not all women with painful periods have endometriosis. It is therefore necessary to consult a doctor to establish the diagnosis, which aims to detect the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. In addition to the treatment, the doctor can advise micronutrition solutions that you can find in a cheap pharmacy in Paris based on plant extracts to restore the physiological functions of the body.

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Uterine fibroids: are they serious?

Uterine fibroids most often cause heavy menstrual bleeding in addition to pain and fertility problems in the most serious cases. However, uterine fibroids are benign and can be eradicated with treatments or by removing the tumor, without necessarily making a surgical incision. Not all women who have heavy periods have a uterine fibroid. Medical examinations consist of detecting the presence of one or more non-cancerous tumors directly on the wall of the uterus. The causes of uterine fibroids are still not well known today, despite the increase in the number of cases diagnosed. This disorder most often appears in women from the age of 30. It can be genetic or hereditary in origin, hormonal or caused by the environment. If the tumor is not detected in time, it can lead to hemorrhage which in turn can cause anemia.

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