Discover forum theater in Grenoble

Forum theater is a tool generally used in companies, educational places such as high schools, schools, universities, etc. Thanks to forum theater, you have the opportunity to address certain themes of major importance.

Among these, you can find sexual harassment, addictions related to digital use. In addition, some other themes such as equality between men and women are also addressed. The goal is not actually to get a message across. The real goal is to reach together with the community a real knowledge and understanding in relation to these themes.

What is Forum Theatre?

Forum theater is above all a theater as its name indicates. It is considered as a communication tool, because thanks to it you have the possibility to express yourself. Note that you can use it according to your own values and beliefs.

It represents a means by which several people can come together to discuss a subject that is of concern to them. is important to me. For example, the forum theater in Grenoble through his sketches and shows encourages communication and the expression of ideas. This exchange is usually done in a pleasant atmosphere.

Moreover, the target audience of Forum Theatre includes a wide range of individuals. You can see for example children as young as 6 years old or even of people aged 100 years. You can attend the Forum Theatre, regardless of your situation (family or professional).

Moreover, you can choose the duration of the show. This duration can vary from 1 hour to 1h30 for example. This depends on your mode of organization.

In addition, Forum Theatre performances are live. Therefore, the participants are encouraged to use the stage to express themselves on the spot. In addition, you should know that the content of each show is prepared to measure.

In fact, the content of the show is defined and prepared in advance according to the audience that wants to attend. For example, topics on sexuality cannot be discussed in front of 6 year olds. These agreements are established between the partners and the project managers.

For example, what are the themes addressed at the Forum Theatre in Grenoble?

There is usually no no limit when it comes to the choice of themes addressed in the forum theater. Indeed, all themes can be addressed by the theater according to the wishes of the partners. Among the themes that can be addressed, note essentially :

  • All kinds of violence, especially when it is done to women, in the family, or in the home;
  • the fight against all forms of radicalization;
  • Relationships and work atmosphere;
  • job searches and unemployment;
  • end-of-life escort;
  • radical climate change, etc.
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What is the staging at the Grenoble Forum Theatre?

A great rigor is established especially when it comes to staging. Indeed, for the production of theatrical plays, two methods are generally used.

Use of static images

During the show, the filmmaker can use images and objects of colors generally static. However, these images will speak throughout the show. Everything is taken into account whether it is the distance, the volume or the lines. All for a spectacular rendering and a more fluid understanding.

Use of kinetic images

At this level, it is used kinetic image of all the characters. Indeed, the characters of the show taken individually constitute the image of each movement. This has to be realistic and for this, everything is calculated.

Like controlled parameterNote where the character goes, how each object is touched, how the character walks, etc. Also, in the show, the character being oppressed usually has some resistance.

In addition, each image taken individually should be a personality that some people can relate to. Besides that, note that most of the time there are no ornaments.

Courses and workshops at the Grenoble Forum Theatre

Theater courses and workshops are available. The purpose of taking these classes is not necessarily to make you an actor. The real goal is for you to enjoy yourself, to express more clearly what you feel.

Taking these courses allows you to know how to edit artistic programs with ease. In addition, it allows you to strengthen your character as well as your self-confidence during your interactions.

In addition, there are also workshops for children and young children. During these workshops, real work is done on the body, on the voice, on the emotions. However, please note that the program is not the same for all children.

Indeed, for children from 2 to 5 years old, the work is more focused on discovery. Children are taught about animals, music, stories, puppets, etc. On the other hand, for children from 7 to 12 years old, the program is more advanced.

It is based on text theater and forum theater. Without forgetting that they are already brought to represent characters and to create stories.

History of Forum Theatre

Forum theater in Grenoble

The director par excellence and founder of this formula is none other than the famous Augusto Boal. This intriguing and interesting character is a novelist, theorist and also a modern politician in Brazil.

This illustrious person was born in 1935. He was very present on the stages especially in the middle of the 20th century. Moreover, he entered the world of acting in 1956 more precisely when he was 25 years old. A few years later, he became the artistic director as well as the stage director.

This promotion was made in the city of Sao Paulo at the Arena Theater. He worked in this theater until 1964. He eventually left it to create an ordinary and common theater.

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On the other hand, he had to put a pause to these theatrical activities of social nature between 1964 and 1968. This pause was motivated by the coups d'état that took place during this period. This situation did not discourage Augusto, who was writing a book in parallel.

He published this book entitled "The Theatre of the Oppressed" in 1971. After that he was forced into exile, which led him to travel to Paris. There he continued his work and even created a theater center in 1979 which he named "Centre du théâtre de l'Opprimé".

In addition, during the 1970s, the famous Augusto Boal traveled throughout South America. From there, he experimented several types of theatrical styles. It was also during these years that he organized the first international festival of the theater of the oppressed that took place in Paris.

Always with a view to innovation, Augusto began to take a closer look at a form of therapeutic theater in 1981. Once Brazil's political stability was restored, he returned to Brazil where he was appointed Mayor of the city of Rio Janeiro. This responsibility did not prevent him from continuing to nourish his love for the theater as he practiced from then on from "legislative theater".

A popular education forum theater in Grenoble

The Theatre of the Oppressed has a very close link with the evolution of education. In fact, it is being talked about for the very first time in France. This is the place where it has its roots, having built a solid foundation there.

It can also be stated that from there, the theater of the oppressed was established and developed away from a culture of artistic nature. However, the common education and the original theater were removed from the field of culture.

This sidelining was noted with the establishment of a ministry in charge of cultural affairs by Malraux in 1964. Since then, they are welcomed without real interest.

Moreover, it took only a few weeks to see the Ministry of Cultural Affairs metamorphose into the Ministry of Professional Artists. However, until todaythe "Youth and Sports" offices have maintained their partnerships regarding organizations of the theater of the oppressed.

What is the consequence of a collaboration between the organizations of the theater of the oppressed and the "youth and sports" cabinets?

The CTO (Centre of the Theatre of the Oppressed)) proceeds to the redefinition of its independence in front of a rapprochement between the speeches of social natures and those cultural. Indeed, the theater of the oppressed mobilizes on several fields. Of this fact, the actors as well as the representative characters are not the same ones.

It is precisely from this moment that the actors considered as principal of the theater of the oppressed will constitute its management. A management whose objective will be to promote cultural development. Note that there are several networks, but of a local nature, as well as several centers dedicated to youth and culture.

On the other hand, it is clear that this decision to focus the work of the CTO is paying off. A decision that is based on linking social and cultural activities.

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