How do you say "I love you" regularly?

Find time once a day to tell or show your love for him. If you make the effort to show your love once a day, whether it's saying "I love you" at night or simply putting his toothpaste on his toothbrush for him, you'll keep the relationship strong for a long time. If you're afraid to show your affection, just think about finding one moment a day when you can do so. Even an extra-long passionate kiss is a great way to slow down your time with your man for half a second.

Find ways to tell her without saying the words. Some people have trouble saying the words "I love you." But that doesn't mean they don't love their partner. If you have a little trouble showing your affection, try these little techniques to let someone know you care:

  • Holding or shaking hands
  • Make plans together for the future, even just future dates
  • Introduce your friends and/or family
  • Surprise him with kisses, hugs and affection
  • Give compliments, encouragement and admiration.
  • Do small favors, especially when they seem upset.

Give them space and time off.

It sounds paradoxical, but sometimes the best thing you can do is not see it at all. Remember - you fell in love as separate people with separate lives - you need to preserve some of that independence to stay happy and in love. Don't feel like you have to talk or check in constantly to show how much you care about him. Sometimes, giving yourself free time is the best way to show that you know and love someone.

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Speak openly and honestly when you are upset

Even loving couples argue. Don't avoid arguments or problems by simply saying "I love you" and accepting your concerns. The most loving couples have arguments too, and you need to express them openly and honestly to keep your love alive. So don't feel like you're destroying your love or going back on your word if you bring up a disagreement or issue - you're just showing your love in another way.

Never let a partner pressure you into doing something you don't want to do to "prove your love." Love does not need to be proven.

Tell your partner that you love them whenever you feel love, not because you feel obligated. Everyone has a different comfort level when it comes to saying "I love you." There are those who say it after every phone call and those who only save it for special moments, and there's everything in between. Some even have fun saying it to each other by exchanging love bracelets. So don't worry about how many times you should say "I love you" or how many times you hear it. People are different and show their love in different ways.

These words have much more meaning when you say them. If you only say "I love you" when you feel full of love, you will both be much happier.

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