Pruning to optimize fruit production

To be able to harvest good and abundant fruit from a tree, it is sometimes necessary to give it a little help. It is necessary to prepare the tree well for fruiting, to gather all the conditions for a good production at a regular rhythm. The optimization of fruiting is done from the young age of the tree, continues during its production period, and continues even when it begins to be exhausted. Fruiting pruning is thus essential to direct and support the tree to provide good tasting fruits, in great quantity, for as long as possible. Let's see in this article what this type of pruning consists of, and what are the techniques to apply.

The benefits of fruiting pruning

Calling a tree trimmer to perform a pruning This form of pruning consists in training the tree to develop well, to produce and support a good quantity of good fruits, by pruning at precise places. This form of pruning consists in training the tree to develop well, to produce and support a good quantity of good fruits, by pruning in precise places.

Regardless of the type of fruit tree, fruiting pruning optimizes the tree's fruiting ability by selecting the right places on the right branches where fruit can begin to sprout. And to optimize the quality of the fruit, the operations aim to aerate and clear the tree to allow the penetration of sunlight and air for a good ripening.

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In addition, you can call in a professional to improve and increase the production cycle of the tree, but also to stimulate adult trees to continue the fruiting rhythm.

Pruning techniques for fruiting

Pruning for fruiting is undertaken when the tree is very young and is done in several stages. During the first three years after the first grafting, the cuts aim at defining its size, its height and its posture. The tree is thus sculpted to have a good balance of its carpenter branches in order to improve its resistance to the weight of the future fruits. Then, pruning for fruiting continues in the fourth year by lightening the tree of dead or diseased branches, as well as those that are useless, too low, intertwined or pointing inwards. Then, with a cutting back, the circulation of the sap is improved by reducing the space between the buds and the main branch.

There are several types of fruiting pruning that can be applied depending on the type of tree, such as:

  • the trigemme pruning which can be applied to fruit trees with pips such as apple trees and consists in keeping the first three buds of each branch;
  • the hook pruning for trees fruit trees such as the apricot tree, which consists in renewing fruit-bearing branches;
  • green pruning or "pinching" to rectify previous pruning.

Cutting operations can be done at different seasons of the year, but avoiding periods of rising sap, and periods of frost or heat wave. However, since each type of tree may have its own good times for pruning, it is important to call an experienced pruner like the one on this site: to define them and then carry out the work.

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