What foods to avoid for a healthy lifestyle according to the WHO?

Welcome to the world of healthy eating ! Many of you are looking for advice to improve your well-being through your plate. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued valuable recommendations to guide you towards a balanced and beneficial diet. Follow us in this exploration of foods to avoid for a healthy lifestyle according to health experts.

Added sugars: the sweet poison

Did you know that the added sugars can hide everywhere? These simple carbohydrates, included in many processed products, can represent a real danger to your health. Sodas, pastries, candies and even some prepared meals are often high in added sugars. The WHO strongly recommends keeping these free sugars below 10% of your daily calorie intake.

Why is it important?

Excessive consumption of added sugars can lead to various health complications, including type 2 diabetes, L’obesity and the cardiovascular diseases. By limiting these sugars, you also reduce the risk of tooth decay. Avoid sugary drinks and opt for water or unsweetened tea. To satisfy a craving for something sweet, choose fresh fruit over desserts high in sugar.

Trans fats: the silent enemies

THE trans fats are often found in fried foods, industrial baked goods and margarines. These artificial fats are particularly harmful to your heart. The WHO recommends avoiding them completely.

The dangers of trans fats

Trans fats increase the bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower the good cholesterol (HDL), which can cause heart disease. To protect yourself, read food labels carefully and favor healthy fats, such as those found in lawyers, THE nut, and the vegetable oils non-hydrogenated.

Salt: the friend who wishes you harm

THE salt is an omnipresent condiment in our daily diet. However, excessive sodium consumption can have disastrous consequences on your health. The WHO recommends limiting sodium intake to less than 2 grams per day, or about one teaspoon of salt.

The harms of excess salt

Too much salt can causehypertension, thereby increasing the risk of stroke and heart disease. To reduce your salt intake, avoid processed foods and favor homemade meals. Use herbs and spices to season your meals and opt for alternatives like potassium salt.

Ultra-processed foods: pitfalls in the food industry

THE ultra-processed foods are often high in additives, preservatives, sugars, salt and unhealthy fats. These products are designed to be tasty and convenient, but they fall short of being beneficial for your health.

Why avoid them?

These foods can contribute toobesity, At diabetes and various metabolic disorders. Additionally, their regular consumption is linked to poor general health. For a healthier diet, choose fresh, unprocessed foods. Cook at home as much as possible and avoid prepared meals and industrial snacks.

Processed meats: a risk not to be neglected

THE processed meats, such as sausages, bacon and cold meats, are often consumed without thinking about the risks they pose. The WHO indicates a link between the consumption of these products and an increased risk of cancer.

Healthy alternatives

To reduce your risk of cancer and other serious illnesses, limit your intake of processed meats. Opt for healthier proteins like lean meats, THE fish, THE legumes and the soy products. Integrate more fruits And vegetables in your diet for a balanced nutritional intake.

By adopting WHO recommendations, you can significantly improve your quality of life and overall well-being. Limit the consumption of added sugars, trans fats, salt, ultra-processed foods and processed meats. By choosing fresh, unprocessed and varied foods, you give your body the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

A healthier life awaits you

Know that every little change counts. Start by gradually eliminating harmful foods from your diet, and see the benefits on your health. A balanced diet is the key to a long and healthy life. Take care of yourself, listen to your body and make informed food choices. You deserve the best, so make your plate your well-being ally.