Climate change: causes, effects and solutions to limit it

In recent decades, climate change has been felt. The effects are also visible. Generally, greenhouse gases are essential for climate regulation. However, human activity has caused a real increase in its quantity. As a result, the warming of the earth’s surface is felt. Again, the natural climatic balance has been modified. It must be said that all sectors are impacted by this large-scale problem. The following information will surely help you understand the details on the subject.

Greenhouse gases: the main causes of global warming

You should know that part of the energy transmitted by the sun to the earth which is not reflected by the atmosphere is absorbed by the earth’s surface. It is indeed warming up. For their part, the atmosphere and surfaces also emit infrared radiation. In turn, clouds and certain gases absorb the radiation. This is the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect. If some of the energy is emitted towards the universe, the Earth’s temperature adjusts. Unfortunately, human activities can cause an increase in greenhouse gases. Part of the radiation will then be trapped. This will increase the surface temperature. This phenomenon has already persisted for recent decades.

As stated previously, human activities, notably the industrial revolution, prove to be the main cause of global warming. This includes in particular the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from deforestation, oil, gas combustion… But in addition to CO2, there is also methane CH4 which is emitted by oil operations, rice fields flooded, ruminant farms…

The effects of climate change

For many years now, the IPCC has been analyzing the state of global climate change. The group has already confirmed the visible effects of climate change.

Studies showed in 2015 that the global temperature increased by 0.74%. Sea level rise has also started. Temperatures, especially in summer, have also increased. Again, the surface waters of the oceans have also seen their acidity increase sharply.

In addition to assessing the current situation of climate change, the IPCC also analyzes the impacts of this phenomenon later. According to the group, many worsening climatic phenomena are on the horizon, such as the intensity of extreme weather events such as droughts, storms, floods, etc. Many ecosystems will also be disrupted with the disappearance of around 30% of plant species. and animals.

In addition to the previous problems, crises associated with food resources can also arise from the lack of resources due to the decrease in agricultural production… Generally, the impacts of climate change can be different from one region to another, but this what will be sure is that all countries in the world will be affected.

Accessible solutions to remedy this

Certainly, the IPCC’s forecasts are numerous and heavy. On the other hand, it is possible to deflect these phenomena by reducing the impacts now. Every citizen of the world is affected.

To remedy this, the priority challenge would be to limit as much as possible the release of greenhouse gases which are the main causes of warming. Generally, everyone will be able to contribute to this fight by reducing energy consumption and waste. It is indeed necessary to make some lifestyle changes, namely ensuring insulation in your home, using energy-saving appliances, avoiding travel as much as possible. plane, by scooter or by car…

With international conferences like the Conferences of the Parties or COP, leaders opt for drastic measures so that society fully commits to this fight for the well-being of the planet. They will have to encourage manufacturers even more to modify manufacturing processes. The expected actions involve saving energy, reducing packaging and also the weight of raw materials.