It’s no secret that writing a resume is not an easy thing. In order to write an effective CV and have a good impression with recruiters, some common mistakes should be avoided at all costs. But which ones? These few lines take stock of the mistakes you should avoid making when writing your CV. A way for you to impress your employer and land the job of your dreams.
Providing false information
When writing a CV or sample CV, giving incorrect information can completely penalize you. And for good reason: if an error in the postal code of your university had no more consequences than that, a poorly written telephone number or email address could cause you to lose a position you hold dear. It is clear that with information that is not credible, recruiters will not be able to contact you to offer you a job interview. On this note, it is essential to carefully reread your CV once it has been written. If possible, you can even have one of your loved ones read it again. Enough to ensure that recruiters can easily get in touch with you.
Make spelling mistakes
When writing your resume, also make sure you don’t make any spelling mistakes. Not very well seen by recruiters, these types of errors must be banned from your CV. It turns out that leaving mistakes on your CV gives a bad image of you in addition to conveying a fairly low level of professionalism. Even though you are not an expert at spelling, be sure to reread your resume carefully and have it reread as many times as possible to avoid any form of mistakes. You even have the right to use a spell checker to definitively say to God any mistakes that may have crept into your document. This will allow you to send a perfect and well-formed CV that will make your employer want to read it.
Write a long CV
In principle, recruiters receive a good number of CVs per day. As such, if your CV happens to be too long, you limit the chances of it being read in full. To remedy this, the best thing would be to carefully write your document and only mention useful information that highlights you. In other words, you should limit yourself to no more than two pages to ensure that your CV is well read by the employer. If it fits on a single page, even better! In short, paying particular attention to the length of your CV will allow you to sort through the information you will have to indicate so as to keep only the essentials.
Furthermore, note that a CV that is too personal and too original does not make a good impression on recruiters. And are therefore to be avoided! The same goes for lying on your CV, indicating your salary expectations, etc.