In France, every car owner must obtain car insurance for their vehicle, even if they do not use it. For various reasons, some motorists wish to terminate their insurance contract. However, an auto insurance policy should be tacitly renewed upon expiry every year. So, to allow them to easily terminate their contract, French legislation offers different terms of waiver. Whether before or after the expiry of the contract or even during a change of situation, the procedure to follow is indicated here.
If your car insurance contract is less than a year old
Of course, you can suspend your car coverage before the end of its one-year commitment period. But, such termination must be done in special cases: moving, demolition, transfer or theft Auto. Generally, these situations are determined by a change in living conditions leading to a change in the risk threshold. For a move, for example, the insured must request withdrawal by registered letter. From the first day of the move, the latter has a reasonable period of three months to exercise their right of termination.
If your car insurance contract reaches its anniversary date
This method stipulates that you wish to terminate your automobile insurance agreement on its expiry date. So, two options are available to you:
Termination at the end of your contract
Here, the duration of the insurance is defined by the policy or coverage agreement. However, you have the right to terminate this contract after one year. To this end, you must send a termination letter to your insurance company, 2 months minimum before it expires. For example, if the contract expires on December 31, the letter must be sent no later than October 31.
Opposition to the tacit renewal of your contract
Even if the contract is automatically extended every year, it is possible to object. To simplify this process, the insurer must tell you, with the annual renewal notice, the termination period provided for the coverage contract. After sending the end of contract notice, you will have twenty days to request non-renewal. This request is to be transmitted by registered mail to the insurer.
If your car insurance contract is more than a year old
Was your automobile coverage taken out more than a year ago? You can cancel it without worrying about the validity date. In addition, it is possible to subscribe to another insurer free of charge and without compensation. Please note, however, that the new insurer will have to take care of the procedures relating to the closure of the contract. After the new insurer has notified the previous one, the cancellation will be effective after one month. More information on the terms of canceling your car insurance here.
If your insurance contract increases its rates
It will be necessary to ensure that the insurer has provided for a clause clearly stipulating the possibility of termination following an increase in the insurance premium. If said condition is present, you will have a period of fifteen days to one month after becoming aware of the increase. This is the time allowed to send your insurer a waiver letter.
Theft or sale of your vehicle: you can cancel your car insurance contract
For the transfer or sale of a car, the termination of the insurance policy can be done on day after sale. Even if the validity period of your contract is less than one year. However, you must send a registered letter with AR to your insurer, specifying in particular the date of transfer. Withdrawal from the contract will take place ten days after sending your letter. If the car is missing following a theft, you will have two days to report it to the insurance company. And there, the waiver comes into force the day following the date on which the registered mail was received.