Ultrasonic rhinoplasty (nose surgery)

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the world. It aims to improve the appearance of the nose by modifying its size, shape and/or contours. Recently, a revolutionary new technique, ultrasonic rhinoplasty, was developed by Dr Olivier Gerbault, a French plastic surgeon specializing in nose surgery. This article introduces you to this innovative technique, which offers many advantages over traditional rhinoplasty methods.

The limits of traditional rhinoplasty methods

To understand the benefits of ultrasonic rhinoplasty, it is important to know the limitations of traditional rhinoplasty methods. Indeed, the latter rely on the use of instruments such as chisels and hammers to break and/or rasp the bones and cartilage of the nose. However, these instruments are not only aggressive on the tissues, but their use is also often done blindly, which increases the risk of inaccuracies and postoperative complications.

In addition, the post-operative consequences of traditional rhinoplasties are generally serious, with edema and hematomas persisting for several days or even weeks. Finally, the aesthetic results obtained with these methods are often standardized, with little possibility of customization according to the wishes and physical characteristics of each patient.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty: an innovative approach

Faced with these limitations, Dr. Gerbault developed a new rhinoplasty technique, called ultrasonic rhinoplasty. This approach is based on the use of miniaturized instruments, similar to those used in dental surgery, which operate using ultrasound. These instruments make it possible to sculpt the bones and cartilages of the nose with great precision, without trauma to the tissues and without having to resort to gestures as aggressive as hammering or rasping.

One of the main advantages of ultrasonic rhinoplasty is that it allows the nose to be completely opened and the bony and cartilaginous structures to be directly visualized during the procedure. This offers the surgeon greater control of the procedure and results, as well as greater possibility of customization according to the patient’s expectations.

More natural results and lighter post-operative procedures

Thanks to ultrasonic rhinoplasty, the aesthetic results obtained are more natural and personalized, in line with the patient’s wishes and the specificities of their face. In addition, this technique makes it possible to treat complex or asymmetric cases, which were previously difficult to approach with traditional methods.

In addition, the post-operative consequences of ultrasonic rhinoplasty are significantly less burdensome than those of traditional interventions. Indeed, the absence of trauma to the tissues considerably reduces the risk of edema and hematoma, allowing patients to return to their normal activities in just a few days. This technique is also less painful, which improves patients’ postoperative comfort.

Management of respiratory problems

Beyond the aesthetic aspects, ultrasonic rhinoplasty also helps resolve functional problems, such as breathing difficulties linked to a deviation of the nasal septum or turbinates that are too large. Indeed, ultrasonic instruments make it possible to correct these anomalies gently and precisely, without damaging the surrounding tissues. This overall management of the respiratory function of the nose is an undeniable advantage of this technique, which thus offers an integrated solution to patients suffering from both aesthetic and functional problems.

International recognition of ultrasonic rhinoplasty

Dr. Gerbault presented his ultrasonic rhinoplasty technique at the first world rhinoplasty congress, which was held in Versailles and brought together specialists from more than 40 countries. This innovation has met with great success among the international medical community, which now recognizes the many advantages of this approach.

Ultimately, the ultrasonic rhinoplasty developed by Dr. Gerbault constitutes a a real revolution in the field of cosmetic surgery of the nose. Thanks to this innovative technique, patients benefit from more natural and personalized results, as well as lighter and less painful post-operative procedures. Additionally, ultrasonic rhinoplasty also helps treat respiratory problems, providing a comprehensive solution to patients suffering from both aesthetic and functional problems. This major advance in the care of patients seeking a more harmonious nose that is better suited to their face deserves to be widely disseminated and adopted by health professionals.