Learn the piano, where to start?

Ah, the piano… this instrument which amazes so much and which makes you want to start playing music. But when you’re a beginner, you often wonder where to start. The white keys, the black keys, the scale, the music theory… it’s a complex universe that can make you dizzy. This is why today, I offer you an ultra-complete guide to start learning the piano. So, are you ready to discover this iconic instrument? Let’s go !

Posture: from fingertips to wrist tip

Before you can produce any notes, you must first learn how to correctly position your hands on the keyboard. Be careful, this may seem simple, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. Your fingers should be slightly arched and your hand should fall simply over the keys. It’s a question of ease, but above all of avoiding unnecessary tension which could cause pain.

It is essential to keep your relaxed arm and wrist. If you feel tension in your fingers, release them. After all, music is above all a pleasure and not a torture.

The importance of scales: the ABCs of piano

Now that you know how to place your hands, let’s move on to ranges. Scales are the foundations of piano music and playing. They constitute a sort of musical alphabet, which will subsequently allow you to read and play any music. To start, you can focus on the C major scale, also called the C scale. The latter consists only of white keys, which makes it easier to understand for a beginner.

Basic exercises: familiarization with the instrument

After getting to grips with the piano and learning the basics of music theory, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the instrument. For this, nothing better than a few basic exercises. Among them, we find the exercise of going up and down your five notes which consists of going up and down these notes while making sure to keep your hand relaxed. This is a great way to start your learning and get your fingers used to the piano keyboard.

Chords: music wall brick

After practicing the scales, it’s time to get familiar with the agreements. Chords are a group of notes played at the same time that together create harmony. They form the basis of any musical composition. By learning them, you will be able to play hundreds of songs. To start, you can focus on the C major chord, which is made up of the notes C, E and G. Play these three notes at the same time, and voilà, you have your first chord!

Chord sequences: unleash your creativity

Now that you have the basics, it’s time to get started on the chord sequences. These are a succession of chords that form a melody. There are thousands of them, but to get started you can try your hand at the 1-5-6-4 chord sequence, better known as magic chords. With this suite, you will be able to play hundreds of popular songs. Don’t be afraid to experiment to develop your own style.

Rhythm: the heart of music

Finally, don’t forget the pace. For bring your music to life, it is essential to incorporate rhythm. For example, you can play the left hand first, then the right hand. This is a great exercise to develop your sense of rhythm and hand independence.

There you go, you now have all the keys in hand to start playing the piano. Don’t be discouraged if everything isn’t perfect at first, the important thing is to have fun and practice regularly. So, at your keys, get ready, play!