The sanibroyeur is often installed in a building where the pipes are not suitable for conventional toilets. This type of toilet can be placed in all rooms of a home, including the basement. Equipped with a powerful motor and a system of blades, the toilet macerators grind fecal matter and toilet paper which are then propelled into the evacuation network.
It is possible to install an independent sanibroyeur or to attach the macerator to the classic toilet bowl. However, it can become clogged easily and thus lose its grinding capacity. Indeed, the macerator toilet is equipped with a very fragile motor and mechanism, which makes it more exposed to blockage problems.
If you notice signs of blockage in your sanibroyeur, it is important to act quickly to avoid material damage. Find out here how to tell if your macerator toilet is clogged and how to react to such a situation.
Signs of a clogged sanibroyeur
If you hear an unusual noise coming from your sanibroyeur, it may be a problem in your toilet drainage system. Furthermore, the rise of foul odors in your home is a sign of an obstruction present in your pipes.
If when you flush the toilet, you notice that the water is draining slowly, this should alert you! If after several uses of your sanibroyeur, you notice a rise of salt water, this confirms the presence of a blockage in your evacuation system.
In such a situation, it is recommended not to use your macerator toilet and to unplug it immediately. Don’t forget to also turn off the water supply. Otherwise, that is to say if you continue to use your sanibroyeur, you risk making the breakdown worse and paying higher repair costs. Instead, consider unplugging your appliance immediately and calling a cheap plumber to help you out as quickly as possible.
Call a professional to unclog the sanibroyeur
It is possible to repair a clogged sanibroyeur yourself, but certain situations require the immediate intervention of a professional. If after your attempts to unclog the problem still persists, contact a professional to take care of the unblocking work. Choose a certified plumber specialized in troubleshooting sanibroyeurs. Thus, you have the guarantee of long-lasting work carried out according to the rules of the art.
During his intervention, the plumber will first dismantle your macerator toilet in order to determine the causes of the blockage. This will also help to provide you with the best solution to unclog your toilet efficiently and quickly.
By carrying out a careful diagnosis, the plumber will be able to identify the damaged parts following the blockage of your drainage network and carry out the necessary replacements.
To effectively unblock your sanibroyeur, the plumber can use an electric ferret or a sewer pump truck, in the event of the presence of viscous blockages. Indeed, the water pressure will allow thorough cleaning of your device but also of your wastewater evacuation pipe system.
If it is not possible to unblock the macerator toilet, the only solution remains to replace all of your sanitary equipment. Rest assured, your plumber can make all the changes while taking the necessary precautions. It can also replace only the motor to restore the proper functioning of your sanibroyeur. In any case, do not hesitate to ask for a quote to find out the troubleshooting and unblocking prices of your plumber.
How much does it cost to unclog a sanibroyeur?
The intervention of a plumbing professional is recommended, especially when the problem is very serious. If your macerator toilet is very clogged, immediately call a craftsman who has mastered the techniques for unblocking this type of sanitary device.
The cost of repairing and unblocking a sanibroyeur depends on several factors, namely:
- The nature and location of the cork.
- Unblocking techniques to use.
- Travel expenses.
- The cost of labor as well as parts to be changed.
- The type of professional contacted, etc.
Whatever the case and in order to avoid locksmith scams, we urge you to always request a signed quote beforehand. Never hire a locksmith without having a quote in hand.