Can you get consumer credit from an online bank?

Nowadays, you can do everything online, one of the services that people use the most is online banking. This type of 2.0 bank is enormously popular, especially among young people who like to have all their services at their fingertips. An online bank can also allow us to take out consumer credit, to find out more on the subject, read our article!

What is online banking?

Fairly recent, the online banks are platforms that offer the same services that can be found in a physical bank. When you want to go online for a banking service, you will notice that there are differences between online banks. Indeed, some offer more services than others, but these are platforms belonging to sectors which always aim to improve their services and which ensure that everything is possible in a few clicks!

What is online banking?Some of these mobile banks offer innovative and attractive features. An online bank will, for example, offer you real-time monitoring of your balance, or it will automatically categorize your different expenses.

We can also offer you an online kitty, which will allow you to store an amount in the form of a pot that you can use later for a celebration, a going-away drink, etc. One of the reasons why these online banks are popular is that services can be done abroad free of charge ! Managing your bank cards also becomes accessible in a few seconds, and wherever you are, you can carry out several actions in relation to your bank card, for example:

  • Request your secret code;
  • Block your card temporarily;
  • View the status of your card.

It is also possible to view the money available in your account, but also to have cashback, which is an online feature that is growing more and more. In addition to cashback, some online banks offer a “piggy bank” function as well as vouchers for interested customers!

How to get consumer credit from an online bank?

We have all needed it at one point in our lives, the famous consumer credit, sometimes essential to move on to other stages of one’s personal life such as organize your wedding. When you request a loan from a bank (online or physical) for consumer credit, you can borrow large sums to be able to finance a project. This loan can be spread over several months.

It is now easy to apply for consumer credit through an online bank. The criteria to be met to be eligible are generally the same. If it is a French online bank, you only need to be resident in France and to be a natural person. This is possible for an adult as well as a minor.

In order to have the possibility ofapply for consumer credit from an online bank, you must first be a customer of the same bank by creating a current account (this can also work by creating a joint account). If it is an adult natural person, he must act as an individual, he can also be an individual entrepreneur in a private capacity.

What about monthly payments?

When you apply for consumer credit on a bank that is 100% online, some can be very flexible regarding monthly payments. An online bank can allow you to suspend the repayment of monthly payments (while respecting the deadlines provided for) or to change the date on which withdrawals are made; this type of option is very practical for customers.

What about monthly payments?

You should know that it is also entirely possible to carry out a total repayment of the credit for consumption in advance (and this, in accordance with the law). Online banks allow you to receive the funds for your loan very quickly, around two weeks just after concluding the contract and subject to the bank’s agreement.

Online banks provide you with an online consumer credit simulation according to your project and provide you on their websites with all the information necessary to create an account and to request consumer credit. This type of online tool makes it possible to establish the duration of the credit depending on the type of project and its cost! Rates relating to credit repayment are also made available to customers and future customers. It has never been easier to make consumer loans. Thanks to online banks, this process is made easier and no longer takes much time between free simulations and sending a request!