Mes Allocs, your 100% online financial aid expert

Created in 2018, Mes Allocs is a web platform allowing you to simulate for free and in two minutes all the aid for which you are eligible. The advantage of this platform is that in a single place you can estimate your rights thanks to the simulator which brings together all kinds of financial aid: CAF, CROUS, Pôle Emploi, regional aid, departmental aid, city aid, and many more. others. After simulating your rights and being supported throughout your procedures, you can subscribe to the paid support service.

Why My Allocations?

If Mes Allocs was created, it is because each year more than ten billion euros of social assistance are not claimed.

This lack of applications from eligible people can be explained by many factors, such as:

  • Administrative complexity;
  • Modesty ;
  • Lack of time ;
  • A blockage with a social organization;
  • Lack of awareness of rights;
  • A bad past experience.

Traditional social services are very often overwhelmed by ever-increasing requests; it becomes impossible to process all of them simultaneously and respond to everyone without falling behind. Mes Allocs is the personal finance assistant for CSPs. Indeed, their objective is to help you improve your purchasing power, not only by obtaining all the aid to which you are eligible but also by reducing your daily expenses: electricity, gas, internet, telephone, monthly credit payments, etc.

Between 2018 and 2020, My Allowances saved an average of €800 on individual bills.

If Mes Allocs wishes to support you throughout your procedures by allowing you to have access to the free simulator, it is to help you improve your purchasing power and assert your rights.

What is the My Allocs tool?

To enable everyone to improve their purchasing power, Mes Allocs provides everyone with an online simulation tool.

Completely free, it allows each user to access their eligibility for all of the financial aid listed in less than two minutes.

Unlike traditional simulators, their simulator brings together all financial and social assistance in a single questionnaire.

Thanks to the free My Allocs simulator you will discover your eligibility:

  • Family allowances;
  • With aid from CAF or MSA ;
  • Aid for adults with disabilities;
  • To Pôle Emploi aid;
  • To all credits;
  • Departmental services;
  • Training aids;

It is important to remember that the right to access financial aid is a free acquisition.

On the My Allocs website you will find for free:

  • Hundreds of guide articles on different social assistance schemes and other good plans aimed at improving the purchasing power of individuals;
  • The possibility of asking questions to an expert about rights and supports;
  • The simulation tool allows you to know your eligibility for all aid schemes.

The 100% online support platform of Mes Allocs is a complement that relieves traditional social services. Social workers can thus relieve themselves of boring administrative work and concentrate on the highest added value of their profession: human social support.

Noting that nearly “2.5 million ghost individuals would benefit from 30 billion euros in undue social benefits”. Source Current values. Mes Allocs helps to fight against increasingly prevalent fraud, which is why the platform’s experts verify all of their clients’ declarations.

My Allocs: for whom?

The Mes Allocs support service is chargeable, it is aimed at all individuals who do not assert their rights to aid, either through ignorance of the aid systems, or through lack of time, modesty or simply administrative phobia. . The aim is in fact to act in addition to traditional social services to streamline access to aid, by providing those who wish it with the possibility of having a single point of contact to advise them in all their administrative procedures.

In more than two years, Mes Allocs has helped nearly 10,000 non-beneficiaries of aid to assert their rights.

In addition to social assistance, Mes Allocs is keen to support individuals in their professional reintegration, by helping them write their CV and cover letter, and by offering them jobs via partner recruitment agencies. To go further, the Mes Allocs expert can also advise you on the available training courses that suit you, for which it is possible to use training aids.

How much does it cost to get support?

As we saw previously, access to the financial and social aid simulator is completely free. If you need assistance in your application process, you can subscribe to the paid administrative and social support service.

This service allows you to have a dedicated expert available at any time by email or telephone, who will advise you and guide you throughout your procedures (aid, taxes, social security, writing official letters, job search, training…the list is long!) and the evolution of your situation. The price of the subscription to their administrative and social support service is €29.90 administration fees then €29.90 per quarter, can be canceled at any time without charge.

As soon as your contract is effective thanks to the electronic signature, a Mes Allocs expert will contact you to take stock of your current situation and answer all of your questions.

At the end of your administrative procedures, the amount of aid for which you are eligible is paid directly into your bank account. The Mes Allocs expert also takes care of reducing all your daily expenses.

With this single point of contact to support you in all your procedures, you will no longer need to travel and will also save time, while improving your purchasing power with complete peace of mind.

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