Home insurance: 5 points to check in your contract

1-The limits of guarantee coverage

Check that your insurance is comprehensive home insurance. In fact, it is the insurance that best guarantees you against the various disasters that can happen in daily life such as fire, water damage, burglary, civil liability, etc. Here you will find all answers to your questions about home insurance.


The amount of deductibles is an important point to check before signing your contract. In fact, this amount greatly influences the premium to be paid. As a reminder, the deductible constitutes the amount that your insurer does not cover in the event of a claim. It is therefore essential that you estimate the level of franchise that you are prepared to assume.

3-Warranty exclusions

You will also need to check the contractual exclusion clauses before signing in order to be properly compensated in the event of a loss, in order to know all the damage against which you are covered. In fact, these clauses exclude guarantees for certain damages, certain objects and certain situations. And you should know that the law prohibits the insurer from guaranteeing certain actions, such as, for example, an insured person who voluntarily burns down his house to receive insurance.

4-The beneficiaries of the home insurance contract

It is equally important to verify the identity of the beneficiaries of the home insurance coverage. Indeed, the contract should determine in black and white the people who will be able to benefit from reimbursement in the event of bodily injury, without forgetting the activities covered by the contract inside the home. In principle, each member of the family who occupies the home is covered by insurance, and even the other people who live under your roof.

5- The method of reimbursement

Another point to check, and not the least, is the method of reimbursement in the event of a disaster. You should know that in the event of compensation at replacement value, you will benefit from reimbursement of damages up to the new price of the goods. On the other hand, if the reimbursement applies the obsolescence coefficient, the compensation must be estimated according to the level of wear of the damaged goods.

Legal protection for sellers, for lessors, for buyers, for tenants

In the real estate field, disputes are not rare, if not numerous. Thus, having legal protection is essential for the main players operating in the sector such as sellers, lessors, buyers and also tenants.

Legal protection for sellers

A real estate seller, whether professional or individual, must take out legal protection insurance, particularly as part of protection regarding hidden defects. Indeed, the law recommends that the seller is required to guarantee that the property is free from hidden defects which would make it unfit for the use for which it is intended at the time of sale.

Legal protection for landlords

Landlords are also exposed to various conflicts with their tenants, whether during the lease or at the end of the lease. These disputes can be part of the recovery of rent, or eviction procedures, etc. But again, disputes with the co-ownership, public services, etc. can also be apprehended. To resolve these problems, the lessor can take out legal protection insurance which can cover possible costs in the event that the lessor’s liability is involved in a dispute with a neighbor or the tenant himself.

Legal protection for buyers

A real estate buyer is never safe from hidden defects, i.e. defects that were not detected at the time of acquisition. Therefore, buyers are advised to take out legal protection in order to defend their rights. Through this protection, it is possible to obtain a downward revision of the purchase price of the property, to obtain damages, or even to obtain a cancellation of the sale itself.

Legal protection for tenants

In general, tenants feel in a weak position vis-à-vis their landlords, particularly when it comes to certain repairs such as replacing the roof. boiler, or return of the security deposit at the end of the lease, etc. Tenant legal protection then facilitates amicable or legal recourse in the event of an extra-contractual dispute with the owner.

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