Incorporating your interests into your CV: why is it crucial?

I decided to talk to you about a subject that is very important in the professional world: integrating your interests into your CV. Yes, you read correctly ! It’s not about your skills or your professional experience, but rather about your hobbies and passions. So why is this so important? Hang in there, I’ll explain it all to you right away.

Your interests: an asset to help you stand out

Firstly, your interests have the capacity to complete your profile and help you stand out. In the professional environment, it is common to receive a multitude of applications all meeting the employer’s needs in terms of skills and experience. However, it is often complex to differentiate among all these candidates. This is where your hobbies and passions come into play.

In fact, your interests give special flavor to your CV. They individualize you and allow recruiters to better understand who you are outside of your professional background. For example, if you have a very structured and rational profile, but you are also passionate about painting or music, it is worth mentioning. This will show recruiters that you are not only the serious and organized professional that you see in the CV, but that you also have a creative and open side to the world.

Your passions: a mirror of your soft skills

Second, your interests can be a great way to highlight your soft skills, these relational skills and interpersonal skills which are increasingly valued in business. For example, if you are empathetic and engage in social missions within an association, this will demonstrate that you are an altruistic person who cares about others.

Likewise, if you practice a risky sport, such as rock climbing or skydiving, this could illustrate your ability to manage stress and your emotions. Additionally, if you are a team player and are a member of a sports club or volunteer team, this will show that you are able to work as a group to achieve a common goal. So, don’t hesitate to highlight your hobbies and passions to give credibility to your soft skills.

Your hobbies: a plus for your LinkedIn profile

Finally, talking about your interests can be beneficial for your LinkedIn profile. By following influencers who share your passions, joining groups related to your interests, or attending events, you will show that you are actively engaged in your chosen field. Additionally, it will give you the opportunity to interact with other professionals who share the same interests as you.

In short, not only can including your interests in your CV help you stand out and show off your soft skills, but it can also enrich your LinkedIn profile and expand your professional network.

So, you now know why it is crucial to include your interests in your CV. So, the next time you write or update your CV, don’t forget to include your passions and hobbies. This could well be the little touch that makes the difference in your next application!

Remember, a Well-constructed CV is a major asset for a effective job search. And of course, don’t hesitate to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more tips and tricks for success in your professional career. See you soon !