What should you eat before and after sport?

Whether you are a professional athlete wanting to improve your performance or a novice just looking to stay in shape, your diet plays an essential role in the practice of your physical activity and the benefits you can derive from it.

A poor diet can deprive you of energy during exercise, cause you to gain or lose a lot of weight, make the recovery phase difficult and slow down muscle gain. Conversely, a suitable diet will maximize the potential of your exercises and help you achieve your goals more quickly. Here is some practical information that will guide you in adopting a diet appropriate to your sporting activity:

The basis of sports nutrition

A good diet, adapted to physical effort, should include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and fluids (water) :

  • Carbohydrates are your main source of energy, the fuel for your body. We commonly speak of “sugars” to refer to carbohydrates. You have probably already heard of “slow sugars” and “fast sugars”.
  • Proteins are involved in building muscle tissue and in the good oxygenation of the body via red blood cells. If there is a shortage of carbohydrates and lipids, your body can also seek energy from your protein reserves.
  • Lipids, which are composed of good fats, should not be ignored by athletes either. They constitute an alternative source of energy to carbohydrates, while playing a role of temperature regulator and organ protection.
  • Finally, fluids, a term which generally designates water, and which you simply cannot do without. The human body is made up largely of water. Water ensures the circulation of nutrients in your body but also the evacuation of toxins.

What to eat before your workout

Whether you play sports outdoors or go to a gym without commitment, there are two important parameters to take into account, in terms of diet, before going to play sports. The first parameter being what you are going to eat. The second being the timing, that’s to say when you are going to eat.

It is advisable to take a substantial meal two or three hours before your sports session. This meal will preferably consist of a lean meat (such as chicken), for protein and fat, accompanied by vegetables for carbohydrates. For dessert you can have fruit, a cereal bar made with hazelnuts, or yogurt, to supplement your protein and carbohydrate intake.

If you don’t have time to have a good meal, and you only have an hour or two before going to exercise, then opt for a small snack rich in carbohydrates, combined with a small portion of proteins. Your snack will consist, for example, of fruit and yogurt, or oatmeal and fruit mixed with milk.

And if you are even more in a hurry, and you only have 15 or 30 minutes to spare, then eat something light and high in carbs. A banana, an apple or small cakes will do the trick very well.

In all cases, avoid fatty foods (fries, hamburger, etc.) and foods that can cause gas and bloating (white beans, cauliflower, etc.).

Can you exercise on an empty stomach?

The answer to this question is yes. If you want to burn more fat, for example, you can choose to wake up in the morning, on an empty stomach, and go jogging. However, care must be taken to hydrate well (before, during and after sport) and do not do intensive sessions. The lack of carbohydrates in the blood can cause discomfort, so don’t force it and take it slowly if you decide to exercise without eating.

What to eat after your workout

After exercise, your muscles enter a recovery and reconstruction phase. Eating protein is the best thing you can do, in terms of diet, to accelerate this recovery phase and take advantage of it to build your muscles .

To do this, you have a wide choice of protein-rich foods to draw from, such as eggs, dairy products, or grains (oats). And if you want to promote mass gain, you can also use protein powder.

However, you should not neglect carbohydrates either. Combine fruits or vegetables to your proteins is also recommended at the end of physical activity.

Hydrate before, during and after sport

Drink water regularly and make sure you are well hydrated is a critical point that we can only emphasize. Your endurance, your ability to fight fatigue and your performance are considerably degraded from the moment your body lacks water.

While it is possible to do without food and practice physical activity without eating, hydrating remains essential before, during and after sport.

Drinking water is perfectly suitable for the majority of sporting disciplines. However, when you have to sustain an intensive effort for more than an hour, it is preferable to move towards a energy drink intended for sports. Such a drink contains mineral salts, referred to as electrolytes, coupled with carbohydrates. Which makes it more invigorating than water.

And you, what sport do you practice? And what is your menu before and after sport?

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