When is a dog harness essential?

When you decide to go walking your dog, you have two types of accessories at your disposal; a harness or collar. People are used to using a collar. However, a harness is much more comfortable. He will not have to torture himself during his moments of weakness. You’re probably wondering what it is. Indeed, dogs are by nature wanting to run after everything that moves. A harness allows you to hold it comfortably without the risk of strangling it, whereas the collar is quite the opposite. But whatever your choice, the goal is the same, which is to ensure the safety of your pet.

The advantages of the dog harness

All the advantages of using a harness rather than a collar is the structure of the accessory itself. A harness is well placed and well adjusted. On unpredictably violent blows, the dog does not risk injury, because all the weight will be distributed on the front part of the dog when the leash is tightened. Unlike the collar which will crush his neck at the risk of harming him. To have using a dog harness may not be your habit, but it is ideal for a dog, especially if he is large and likes to run here and there.

During your walks, the harness will ensure a more pleasant trip for both the animal and you. Plus, there’s always that moment when you have to hold him back when he pulls on his leash. With a harness, it is also easier to restrain him, because the entire front of the dog will be immobilized. His strength will be reduced by half.

This accessory also allows you to redirect your dog during your walks. You will truly be in control of your decisions and prevent the dog from doing as he pleases. There will be no hint of torture when you pull on the leash to redirect the animal unlike with a collar.

A harness is also essential for training your dog, especially for walking. The assimilation of orders will be faster and more efficient with this accessory.

Harness Buying Guide

This is an accessory that deserves your full attention. Indeed, if you like to walk with your dog, then you must choose a good quality harness. There is a reason why some stores sell them for a lot more and others for less. It’s all in the quality of the product. You have undoubtedly noticed that there are harnesses with a single attachment point. Be aware that this is not really ideal, because this model can cause back problems for the dog.

Opt for harnesses that properly cover your fur ball’s back. If you know your dog well, you won’t have to struggle to choose the right size. Indeed, if you choose a harness that does not really adjust to the size of your dog, it could injure him and your walks will not be as pleasant as you had hoped. Also note that there are harnesses intended only for sporting activities. A simple harness could quickly deteriorate. It’s like the shoe you wear to every event.